Remember how I said that the serial was going in the vault until the full moon on the 18th, and there was noooooo way that you could read it any sooner than the 18th? There was no way you could find out the narrator’s name OR read the final part XIII?
Hah! I totally lied.
I’ve been working with Cerridwyn Publishing, and we revised and revised (we totally revised the crap out of it) and then, because we’re awesome, we tacked on an additional, bonus novella. *fist-bumps world* You’re welcome. It’s out on ebook. The whole thing. Straight through to the end. None of this ridiculous clicking from post to post…it’s just story. *fist-bumps world again* You’re welcome again.
So, if you follow me on Facebook, you saw a picture of some random couple reading How to Bring Your Love Life Back from the Dead. What was that about, huh? *chuckles* Caaaahrazy!
You want to see something absolutely insane? Here they are reading A Little Moon Madness:
I know, right? They can’t get enough of my books!!! Or there’s a lot of stock photos of them….
What about you? Can you get enough of my books? And would you like to cheat and read part XIII ahead of everyone else and find out her name?
And I’ve got, like, $1.62 in the bank account right now.
But come payday, this is definitely going to be bought. And I’m going to be wearing the t-shirt and bragging to everyone that the author is a CLOSE FRIEND of mine. So what if we live on opposite coasts? We’re TIGHT. (You’ll back me up, right?)
Congratulations. 🙂
We are soooooo tight! You should add this on Goodreads just so you don’t forget, though. 😉
Actually, considering this book is dedicated to you…I’d say that we’re really tight. LOL. I don’t think anyone would dare question you if I ever made it big-time. In the meantime, I’m rich in friends.