Home » Writerly Wednesday » Writerly Wednesday– A Writer’s Day

Writerly Wednesday– A Writer’s Day



I’ve been so scatter-brained lately due to allergy and OCD meds I had to confirm a few times that it is, indeed, Wednesday.

Ever since about August, when I was prepping to release The Teacher’s Vet, my workload has changed. I used to have a few loaded Writer days where I focused on writing-related tasks, but it wasn’t a full-time job.

It’s definitely full-time now. Between promotion, hanging out on social media (which a writer should do) (probably not as much as I do, but still,) writing, revising, blogging, reading (which writers should definitely do–whether it’s fiction or nonfiction,) communicating with publishing peeps, and trying to build a friend/fan base–it’s hitting at least 40 hours a week.

I’ve also stopped working on just a single project. I’ll revise multiple projects in a day–while promoting another–while emailing about another–while planning another. I’m averaging working on three projects a day.

Today is no different.

I’ll be promoting (*shudders*) How to Bring Your Love Life Back from the Dead. (Seriously, guys, if you love me, you’ll tweet, review, and rave about my books to get me out of promotion. I hate it more than cleaning.) (*shudders again*)

I’ve got to type out some revision notes on a *gives you a shifty look* project as well as finalize my dedication and acks for that.

I’ll mail out a contest winning after autographing some cover images.

I need to email agent Sarah about a different project–asking for advice.

I have a revision that needs completion that I should tackle tonight when I can get the voice right.

It’s a full day. I have non-writerly stuff to do today, so I imagine, like yesterday, my day will bleed into night, and I’ll be up until 2 a.m. again.

I thought when I was this busy I’d get frustrated, but I love the momentum. I love being busy. I love feeling like a writer. The last couple months have been the first months I haven’t felt like I’m playing at this. I haven’t felt like this is a nice little hobby. It’s cutting more and more into my family life, though. I’m really going to need to work on my work/life balance. The only frustrating thing now is that I see how ineffective a writer promoting their own work can be.

To that end, if you could help me out with my day, that’d rock. (I almost said “the bomb” but I’m already on enough watch lists, I didn’t dare.)

If you could go like me or my posts on my Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/WendySparrowAuthor I would love you for forever. (I’m obligated to stipulate this is not a binding contract between us and you can see other people.)

If you could add my books on Goodreads or review them (anywhere) if you read them, that’d put me one step closer to earning minimum wage as an author–which is living the dream, baby! Actually, it really is. I’d love that so much.

Tell a friend, tweet it, type out some love–and if I ever see you, I will give you a hug…without wincing…overly much.

If you’re another author reading this, you’re off the hook–you’ve got your own day to tackle. 😉


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One Response so far.

  1. Tina Myers says:

    Great giveaway!! Thanks!

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