Category Archives: Excerpt

Donuts and Demigods

I KNOW! A post! *everyone looks up to see if the sky is falling or a blue moon has arisen* Sorry, guys. Anyone waiting on bated breath for a post from me has since died from lack of oxygen. But, I have a collection of novellas out today! Woohoo. My demigod novellas were originally part of three separate anthologies, but […]

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Geeky with a Side of Pi Contest

Hey, guys! I have short story in an anthology out tomorrow. Covalent Bonds is the romance anthology for geeks and the people who love them. My short story is called “The Hacked Match” and, oh my goodness, I stressed so hard over getting my hacker just right. So, so much. Luckily, my husband is a high-level network engineer and one […]

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First 1000 words of Keeping Time

  Ruin hated the years he ended up in the hospital on New Year’s Eve. It should be easier to take the life of someone who was already dying, but being surrounded by others just waiting their turn seemed like a cruel trick the Fates played on him. It reiterated that Ruin wasn’t a benevolent helper every day of the […]

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First 1000 Words of Taking Time

  Bored. “Bored. Bored. Bored.” And he had no confidence whatsoever that tonight would alleviate his condition. Tempus glanced around him at the mortals getting drunker and less interesting by the second. Why squander minutes, let alone hours, in this condition when both were numbered? Especially if you were Joseph Toulouse, age fifty-nine, in the ballroom of this quaint little […]

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First 1000 Words of Stealing Time

  Hannah Lyons was living a charmed life—she’d escaped death thirty-seven times in the last three hundred and fifty-seven days. But Time was about to catch up to her—Time or, in German, Zeit, was nearly upon her… and about to give Hannah back her scarf which she’d dropped nearly as many times as he’d saved her life. Zeit snapped his […]

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Keeping Time: Servants of Fate #3

If you’ve been waiting for the soulful and deep romance in the series, this is it. This is the one that’ll rip your heart out and then shove it back in when it’s all over. (Did anyone else think Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom there? Just me? Okay.) This is the last in the series at this point […]

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Taking Time: Servants of Fate #2

Authors aren’t supposed to have favorite books in a series. It’s like picking a favorite child. (Which I do also…though it does vary.) Taking Time is my favorite book in the Servants of Fate world. Tempus is freaking hilarious to me. It’s being released on November 8th, but it’s currently available for preorder. (And it’s less expensive to preorder so […]

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Stealing Time: Servants of Fate #1

Some of you might have read Stealing Time. It was released individually with a different publisher a few years ago and then it was in the anthology “The Naughty List.” It’s being rereleased on its own and with two sequels. Yay! Super yay! Super duper yay! The cover is extremely perfect.   Summary: Father Time’s son, Zeit Geist, must sacrifice […]

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An Excerpt from Lip Service

  I’m part of a brilliant new anthology that came out. Eight authors writing novellas centered around the premise of a cyber service providing a fake boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s currently .99 cents, but I’m not sure if it’ll be available forever, so get it while it’s hot. The anthology: Virtual Match is your one-stop shop to convincing those nosy […]

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Lip Service–a Cheeky Retelling

So, when the amazing Kait Nolan invited me to join the Virtual Match anthology…I had so many ideas. An anthology centered around an online service that linked up subscribers with a virtual boyfriend or girlfriend? I jumped on board so fast I think I nearly overturned the boat. I narrowed my ideas down to a Cyrano de Bergerac retelling. If […]

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