Wait…maybe that’s dinner bell…
Anyway, the winner of this fabulous necklace (designed by @RCMurphy)
Madonna Dolin!
She entered on Cici’s Theories’ blog.
If you were not the lucky winner, you should hit up Renee on Twitter for your own apple-inspired necklace…or any necklace really. I’ve bought two other necklaces from Renee, and they’re gorgeous, and I’ll probably con her into making something for another contest later on.
Also, if you weren’t the lucky winner, I have another contest going right now…but just for a few more days. ENTER IT NOW! YOU CAN WIN! GLORY GALORE!
*blows kisses*
Also, it’d make me feel good and I’ve had a crappy few days. Many Oreos had to die so I could make it through the last few days. THEIR DEATHS ARE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE UNTIL YOU ENTER!
I <3 you,
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Here is more information on that giveaway: CLICK HERE OR DIE–but not really, it’s an empty threat.
Oh, and if you’re thinking, “Wendy, isn’t it a full moon weekday? Shouldn’t you have posted a part of the serial? Where is my serial fix?” Uhhh, yeah, it’s coming. Keep your pants on. *stares* REALLY.
Ooo! Congrats to Madonna for the win!
One note about the necklace…don’t feed it after midnight.
I really might need to have you make me one of those… I have the necklace I gave away in my Frosted contest already. I hope you can find the materials again. I’m thinking…nothing says Christmas like apples.
I still have enough of the main beads left. Just need to pick up more chain…. Yes, I’m an enabler.
Congratulations Madonna! And Yaaaay for the full moon!