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Monthly Archives: July 2013

Watchlist Wednesday IV

I’ve actually been so stressed and busy that I haven’t had as much time to do research for my Ratman novel…which is a shame because I should be able to finish drafting it in a couple days of work–maybe this weekend. BUT what research I have done in the last two weeks…has been Watchlist worthy. Here is my websearch history […]

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The Best Love Stories

  Once upon a time, there was a broken girl trying to recover from a destructive relationship. She’d decided that it was better to be alone than be with the wrong guy. Every day, she prayed that she’d have the strength to be alone because being with another wrong guy might kill her. Days passed, and her body started to […]

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Leather and Leotards – Story

It’s been a while since I posted a free story. When I was in high school, one of the seniors there was in a wheelchair–he’d wrapped his car around a pole shortly after learning to drive. And I remember at one of the school dances, he’d pulled his date onto his lap on the wheelchair to slow-dance with her. (My […]

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Written Wednesday

  I’m going to do something different this Wednesday and post some things I wrote a long, long time ago in high school. I used to be really into poetry–because I was in high school and dealing with the dark days of untreated OCD. Now, the rhyming and trying to get the emphasis right gives me a headache every time. […]

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Teaser Tuesday- The Spark

  So, you know you’re working on something weird when your husband buys you the above Hot Wheels for inspiration, and you’re all, “AWESOME! That’s perfect!!!” If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve seen tweets about rats and more rats and then some rats. My current WIP is very rat-centric. It’s a romance where a mad scientist crosses wires with […]

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The Cold and Lovely Moon VII-Serial

Night two of Full Moon Weekend! Woooooooooooo! Then, the serial goes back into the vault until August’s full moon. So, this is the seventh part and there are thirteen parts. I’m planning on finishing up posting them in October just in time for Halloween. Let me know what you think. COMMENT! COMMENT LIKE YOU NEVER HAVE BEFORE!!!     The […]

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The Cold and Lovely Moon VI -Serial

Yay! Full moon weekend!!! (Almost…the full moon is on Monday. This is like the pre-mooning. So, consider yourself mooned in advance.) I’ll be posting two parts this weekend, so watch for the next part tomorrow sometime.  Post in the comments if you liked this, and if you missed previous parts…check out the tab up above.   The Cold and Lovely […]

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Watchlist Wednesday III

  Since I’ve been buried in writing and revising and gotten onto entirely new watchlists, I thought I’d do another Watchlist Wednesday for the last two weeks. Hey! This weekend is a full moon weekend (almost…close enough) so I’ll be posting two more parts of the serial on Friday and Saturday…come back and read and comment. *shiny, hopeful eyes* So, […]

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Writers- Deshelving

  I’ve seen quite a few writers on Twitter deshelving lately–including myself. I imagine every writer has shelved a book or two or dozen…or maybe not an entire book–you hit 7K and you draw a blank or just scream, “It’s CRAP!” and twitch. I’m working on five years of being at the writing game, so I have a bunch of […]

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Are You Ready? – Free Story

This is one of my longer ones, so I considered splitting it up over two nights, but…meh…you’re big kids…you can handle it. Just go use the bathroom before you start reading, and don’t forget to wash your hands.       Are You Ready?   He lived by rules. His entire life. All thirty years. The rules had done right […]

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